
Fractora/ Fractora Firm

Achieve the ultimate beauty with the new and innovative FRACTORA technology(Fractional), a step up on skin rejuvenation treatments that was developed to support the process of creation and restructuring of collagen. Fractora transmits fractional radiofrequency energy through an array of pins to adjust facial features and make the skin firm and smooth. It can improve issues concerning skin sagging, deep and shallow wrinkles, and various scars including acne scars.
– Face
– Face lift for a slender face
– Acne scar treatment
– Superficial pigment irregularities

How it works?
The results of the treatment are similar to Fractional Co2 treatment combined with the use of non-ablative and non-coagulative dermal heating which brings out smooth and clear skin with visibly reduced wrinkles, sagging, and scars. The Fractora handpiece has been designed to transmit bipolar radiofrequency energy through pins causing micro-lesions that stimulates skin cell renewal on the treatment area.

Treatment procedure
The doctor will assess your facial skin condition and calculate how much energy will be needed and delivered to achieve the desired effect. A cold gel will be applied on the treatment area to decrease superficial heat. During the treatment, the patient’s face will feel hot as the RF energy are administered. There is a real-time skin temperature on the monitor and the machine will show a warning when the temperature starts to increase. When the heat level starts to increase, the doctor will direct the handpiece to another area and so on until the whole treatment area is sufficiently covered. The real-time heat monitor innovation separates this innovation from the traditional RFtreatments because it prevents burns on treatment areas which happen due to lack of monitoring and warning system.

Special Feature of Fractora (Fractora Firm)
Fractional technology innovation

How long will it take to see the result?
Collagen starts to restructure right after the treatment and changes can be seen after the initial treatment. To get the full effect, it is recommended to do the treatment for at least 5 sessions twice a month.